Mr. Howard Hill in GREEN ARROW – Archery in POP-CULTURE

Mr. Howard Hill in GREEN ARROW – Archery in POP-CULTURE:

„If you can hit it from five, you can hit it from fifty!“ Howard Hill (1899-1975).

Mr. Howard Hill appeared in person in DC’s „Green Arrow“, No. 1, 1993 February, „The Wonder Year“ by Mike Grell.

Howard Hill and Errol Flynn

Errol Flynn & Howard Hill aboard the Scirocco.


Mr. Howard Hill appeared in person in the =DC= No. 1, 1993 February issue, Green Arrow, "The Wonder Year" by Mike Grell

Mr. Howard Hill appeared in person in the =DC= No. 1, 1993 February issue, Green Arrow, "The Wonder Year" by Mike Grell

Mr. Howard Hill appeared in person in the =DC= No. 1, 1993 February issue, Green Arrow, „The Wonder Year“ by Mike Grell.

In Green Arrow „The Longbow Hunters“ by Mike Grell, Book One: „The Hunters“, 1987, Mr. Hill appeared in a very similar situation and with another nifty quote.

In Green Arrow "The Longbow Hunters" by Mike Grell, Book One: "The Hunters", 1987

In Green Arrow „The Longbow Hunters“ by Mike Grell, Book One: „The Hunters“, 1987.

In Green Arrow "The Longbow Hunters" by Mike Grell, Book One: "The Hunters", 1987

In Green Arrow „The Longbow Hunters“ by Mike Grell, Book One: „The Hunters“, 1987.


Über Bowman Peter O. Stecher

Bowman, writer, archer, photographer, stunt-shot, movie shot, TV-show archer, promoter, arts, literature, movie and poesy.
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